Hi, I'm Fabio
I am an optimist and a dreamer with a great desire to explore and face new challenges and to all of you who have landed on my pages I would like to say “Don't give up, never do it. If a passion is not your job, it will still be your companion of illusions and fantasies that could one day make you arrive at the reality you aspire, when you least expect it. If someone does not see in you what you believe there is in you and closes a door in your face, do not give up, be determined, never be discouraged ”.
To talk about my career as a hand model and model we have to take a step back in time when I was an appearance in various tv programmes, even if it is a short period of time compared to the time in which I worked with my hands or in which I posed as a photographic model.
It was in that period that I had the opportunity to launch myself into what I call “the fantastic world of hand models”. It was a series of random events where the protagonists were, in addition to the agency I worked for, my hands and an old Polaroid.
I took a picture with that old camera, without thinking too much, for a job that had been proposed to me by the agency I worked with for, for a job I had never heard of until that moment: the hand model.
From that moment my hands have been the protagonists of my future.
My hands
I love my hands,
I am deeply in love with them.
They are the hands of many familiar faces,
they are the hands that everyone longs for.